Our student ministry creates an environment for middle and high school students to develop deeper, more personal relationships with God. We do this by inviting students to gather in safe and encouraging environments where they can grow their faith alongside their peers. Students have fun while engaging in deep discussions about the Christian life, led by a group of energetic adults who love Jesus. From local community service to mission trips, our students are provided with opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, stretch their faith, and grow into who God has created them to be. We offer Sunday School, MWKD Students, youth hangouts, basketball, mission trips, Youth Sunday, and so much more.
Every Sunday morning, students get together during the Sunday School hour in the chapel. This is a casual hour to hang out, strengthen their relationship with God, and with each other. All students in grades 6th through 12th are welcome to drop in and check it out.
Student Sunday School
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Our student life is an abundant one full of get togethers, meet-ups, outings, and out of town adventures. To stay in the know about what we're up to, connect with us to start receiving news and updates from our Youth Pastor, Shane Sledd.
In our Reformed tradition, confirmation is the journey we take to learn more about our faith and connect to the baptismal vows our parents and caregivers made on our behalf. Here at PPC, we are excited and honored to walk alongside students (8th grade and up). They attend an in-depth year long course where they have a safe place to ask questions, explore, and grow in their understanding of faith and spirituality.