Adult Ministry
There are many ways for adults to grow in faith together at PPC. Join a small group, attend a Sunday School class, participate in Presbyterian Women, or Men of the Church; attend worship and engage in conversation with others about the sermon, join us for MDWK Adults: The Pastor’s Class on Wednesday evening.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sundays at 9:45 A.M.
Pairs & Spares
Fred Brown Room, Upper Level Education Wing
​Philadelphia/Ralph Leete
​Heritage Room
Across from Sanctuary
Session Room, Upper Level Education Wing
Second Chance
Kerr Building
Sunday School Locations
Adult Groups
Men of the
The Mission of the Presbyterian Men is to lead men into a vital relationship with Christ, to assist them in their spiritual, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to strengthen their role in the community through mission work, as the men of PPC live into the call to be their brother's keeper.